Roof Repointing – A Complete Guide
Anybody who has a decent knowledge of roof maintenance has a clear idea about roof repointing. Pointing roofing materials is a common issue that you have to face from time to time.
Repairing and maintaining your roof can be difficult enough without the additional confusion that comes with the various roofing terms and what they actually mean for your roof! With storm season quickly approaching, many homeowners are starting to perform their annual maintenance checks. Re-pointing is one of the most common points of maintenance on tiled roofs.
What Is Roof Repointing?
So, what is roof reporting, and how can you know when to do it? Let’s discuss everything you need to know down below.
Pointing roofing materials can cause leakage and other issues on your roof. And repointing is the process of fixing the bricks, tiles, or shingles into the place. The bedding is usually made of cement mortar, which was also used for pointing. For roof pointing, cement mortar was replaced in 1995 with a flexible pointing compound.
You can hire professional services to do the repair. But how can you know when you need to repoint your roof? Let’s have a look at a few things to look out for.
How do I know if my roof needs re-pointing?
Gaps or cracks in the pointing along your ridge capping indicate that your roof needs to be re-pointed. A visual inspection of your ridge capping from the ground should be sufficient to determine the condition of your pointing. It’s a little more difficult to identify yourself when you’re re-bedding. If you suspect that your bedding is in need of repair, it is best to have a qualified roofer inspect the ridge capping.

There are a few other signs of roof damage that may indicate the need for roof tile repointing. You may notice loose tiles, for example. Other indications that you need repointing include:
- Loose roof tiles
- Missing roof tiles
- Granules in the gutter
- Roof leaks
- Excessive moisture
Roof leaks and excess moisture are two common indicators of pointing failure. Water can enter the roof as the cement mortar or flexible compound deteriorates or cracks.
Leaks on the Roof
The first and the most obvious sign is the leakage in your roof. That indicates that you need to take a look and check your roof. And in most cases, you’d need to hire a roof repointing service to fix that issue.
Also, you need to make sure to do it fast. If you delay too much, the crack is going to spread, making the leak spread even bigger. Repairing it fast will prevent that from happening.
If there are no visible cracks in your pointing but you have a roof leak, this is a sign that the pointing is damaged and needs to be inspected or replaced.
Excessive Moisture
This is another indication that you need to repoint your roof as soon as you can. The moisture can danger your roof very fast. That’s something you need to be very quick about. Otherwise, it’ll do so much damage to your roof that you really don’t want.
Consult a roofing service and hire them to fix that for you. That’s going to be the best bet.
Loose Roof Tiles
Loose roof tiles is another sign that you need to repoint your roof as soon as you can. This not only damages your roof over time but also is a very risky thing as well. If the tiles fall from that high, it can easily injure anyone that’s under your roof.
To avoid that risk, you need to hire professionals to fix and repoint your roof. You should not delay at any cost as it can cause a fatal accident.
Missing Roof Tiles
If some of your roof tiles are missing, that means you need to repoint your roof as fast as you can. That usually happens after the tiles are let loose. And then they start to fall from there.
This is a serious issue that you need to fix right away. That doesn’t only cause leakage in our house, but it’s a potentially dangerous situation. You or anyone from your family can get seriously hurt by that.
So, make sure that you take care of it before anything bad happens.
Repointing is also important in preventing more serious damage to your roof. While a leaking roof is inconvenient for the occupants, water and moisture cause more serious damage to the roof structure. Furthermore, rotting materials and mold can lead to additional repairs and health issues.
You might be wondering if you can repoint your roof all by yourself. Well, you can. But it’s not the best idea, though.
A roof protects your home and its contents. Its damage can have serious consequences for your investments and safety. As it is exposed to the Texas’ extreme weather conditions, most roofing leaks begin with broken, cracked, or damaged pointing. Finding out your pointing is damaged isn’t the end of the world because it can be easily repaired, and the cost of roof repointing is much less than other roof repairs caused by damaged pointing.
The professionals use tools and skills to do their job the best. You should never try to do that by yourself if you don’t possess the skills or tools by yourself. Overall, you should hire a professional to do that job for you.